My new 'baby': Thermomix

I was telling you the other day that something new was coming to my kitchen and here it is: Thermomix.

I’ve hesitated a lot and i managed to get it by signing up with Thermomix to make some show cooking. As I love to cook and share, well I’m now available for people around Barcelona to show it off at their house for free.

Si estais en Catalunya, puedo venir a ensenarlo en su casa, sin compromiso y os prepararé la comida ademas de enseñar todos los beneficios

Waiting impatiently for a new arrival in my kitchen…

Yes … a new arrival next week in my kitchen to cook new recipes.

What could it be? You won’t have to wait for long to find out what is the new beast that will take its space in the kitchen. I can’t wait to show you some new recipes and the potential that it has.

So the wait is almost over, check out shortly

Long break but back

It’s been a long time since I didn’t post any recipe.

I didn’t stop cooking obviously as I like it too much, didn’t buy any ready meals neither thank god. But I just thought I’ll step back to think on how this blog could evolve or if I should just use instagram or facebook page instead.

Well, that didn’t help much as I still don’t know. But I will try to update it a bit more often or from time to time.

Don’t forget to check my instagram: Gregousfood

My kitchen needs to be messed up a bit 🙂

Today in my kitchen #3: my Kitchenaid

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Today in my kitchen, a series of a few photos from my kitchen to discover the only place where I would prefer to stay instead of going to work for example 🙂 This is #3

For a long time I wanted a Kitchenaid because it is just beautiful but of course it’s a bit expensive, especially when you need to add all the accessories. Actually I’m a bit pissed of with Kitchenaid for that as everything is super expensive. I have a few accessories already but I really want the ones for the pasta and the new spiral cutter.

Once christmas a few years ago I received it and I was so happy. Red. Beautiful and very practical. Especially when you start adding the accessories to do a tomato sauce, using the juice extractor for the fruits or the grinder for the vegetables or meat.

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Today in my kitchen #2: tiles

Today in my kitchen, a series of a few photos from my kitchen to discover the only place where I would prefer to stay instead of going to work for example 🙂 This is #2

When I was looking for a flat, I was already looking into my floor, paints, tiles, etc…. One thing I had clear from the start was the kitchen tiles, I wanted something close to the old stylish Barcelona Mosaicos Hidraulicos. And When I saw this series from Saloni, I fell in love. Since I chose a all white kitchen, I wanted something to contrast on the floor sufficiently but not too much.

Some of friends were not convinced by the choice when shown on picture but I believe that now everyone finds it nice. I just love it and I’m sharing here just a few pictures I took over the weekend.

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Today in my kitchen #1: The salt

Today in my kitchen, a series of a few photos from my kitchen to discover the only place where I would prefer to stay instead of going to work for example 🙂

° T H E    S A L T °

  • Sepia (Cuttlefish) black ink salt from the island of Minorca, Spain
  • Himalaya pink salt
  • Gingembre & Citronelle salt from Ibiza, Spain
  • Wild garlic salt
  • Maldon salt, United Kingdom
  • Chili salt from Dumfriesshire, Scotland
  • Seaweed salt from Dumfriesshire, Scotland
  • Last picture is a pepper mill handcraft made by my dad from diverse precious wood – you can see what he does here

I also have standard salt obviously, low sodium salt and coarse salt which are not showing on the picture

Also we should not eat too much salt and it will take my years to use all of them, I like to add the right salt to my dishes. It can help gets some additional flavour if you use it with care, it can be necessary for some cooking process or tricks while baking.

Below a few pictures of them, you’ll recognise some them easily.

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  • Pepper mill on the pictures is useful to break the coarse salt. Handcraft made by my dad (in south of France) from diverse precious wood – you can see what he does here
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